An example of all fade ins on a banner component, (20 elements in total), triggered on window load. Click on the banner to see the specific single animation.

This is the banner content fade-in--fade
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-up
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-down
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-left
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-right
This is the banner content fade-in--fade
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-up
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-down
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-left
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-right
This is the banner content fade-in--fade
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-up
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-down
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-left
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-right
This is the banner content fade-in--fade
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-up
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-down
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-left
This is the banner content fade-in--fade-right